Sunday, February 15, 2009

Top Ten Tips for a Restaurant Sustainability Program

I just finished reading True Restaurant Sustainability : More Success, better future which is guide from QSRWeb, Fast Casual and Pizza Marketplace and Sponsored by Truitt Brothers , Inc which is Food Alliance -certified producer of shelf stable foods for the foodservice industry . This is full of useful information and I thought I would share one except from it. The following is the National Restaurant Association's Top 10 tips for starting a sustainability program :

1. Turn Off
Turn off interior/exterior lights and cooking hoods when not in use. Install motion detectors in storerooms, offices and restrooms. Set lights on timers.
2. Fix Leaks
Repair leaky faucets and toilets. Stop air leaks by caulking and insulating around leaky windows and doors and installing energy curtains in freezer rooms.
3. Replace Lighting
Replace incandescents with longer lasting CFL light bulbs or LED lights. Replace traditional exit signs with LED exit lighting.
4. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.
Follow the 3 R's of sustainability: reduce, reuse, recyle. Reduce waste. Reuse furniture, flooring. Recycle paper, plastics, glass and aluminum.
5. Unplug
When not in use, unplug computers, electronics, coffee machines, POS system and any small appliances.
6. Use Less Water
Serve customers water upon request. Run dishwashers, washing machines only when full. Install low-flow toilets, waterless urinals, tankless water heaters.
7. Train and Inform
Train employees on energy saving procedures and on the importance of energy conservation and water use. Tell customers about your energy efforts.
8. Clean and Maintain
Clean equipment runs more efficiently. Regularly dust and clean appliances, top to bottom. Perform routine preventive maintenance on HVAC, plumbing, appliances, major equipment.
9. Remodel or Build Green
Use low-VOC (volatile organic compounds) or no-VOC paints, recycled flooring and managed forest wood. Install a reflective roof, sun lights and energy-efficient windows.
10. Look for the ENERGY STAR Label
Purchase appliances, electronics and other EPA-tested equipment that carries the ENERGY STAR label.

More information from the NRA can be found at

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